State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Proceedings of 105th SLBC Tripura

Thereafter, with the permission of the chair, Md. Abdul Wahid, General Manager, UBI initiated Agenda wise discussion through Power Point Presentation, the summary of which is produced below:

Agenda 1: The House confirmed the proceedings of the 104th SLBC meeting held on 06th March 2013 after incorporating the concerns of the State Govt. pertaining to lower CD ratio and banking coverage as requested byShriS.K.Panda, Chief Secretary

Agenda-2: Compliance of Action Points on major decisions of previous SLBC meeting.

  • Bankers to make efforts to increase CD ratio of the state.

    • Shi A .K Pandey, GM RBI informed that the CD ratio of all Districts other thanWest Tripura is above 40 %. The CD ratio of West Tripura , which stood at27 %as on 31.03.2013 has pulled down the CD ratio of the entire State.

    • Shi K.V. Satyanarayan, Additional Chief Secretary stated that most of the government funds are parked at the Bank Branches at Agartala for which the CD ratio in West Tripura is low. In order to achieve 40% CD ratio for the State as a whole by March 2014, the CD ratio of the remaining districts should be increased so as to compensate for the shortfall in West Tripura.

  • A small Committee of Bankers should conduct a survey with 10% of the live KCC Cards to verify whether the funds have been released, utilized for the desired purpose and the scale of finance being adhered to.

    • Shi A .K Pandey, GM RBI informed that a survey was conducted by the local RBI office. Some of the important observation of the survey are as follows:
    • (i) Instead of renewing the existing KCCs after repayment, some banks are issuing fresh KCC thereby defeating the purpose of revolving credit as per the guidelines.
    • (ii) Per KCC disbursement is comparatively better in SBIand UBI but on the lower side in TGB and TSCB
    • (iii) In many instances the scale of finance is not properly adhered to.

  • Banks to Cover the fisheries segment under KCC finance.
    • The action point has been implemented. A common application form has been designed by jointly SLBC and State Government.

  • The left out forest Land Pattaholders, wherever eligible are to be financed under KCC

    • Up to March, 2013 KCCs have been issued to 25718 Patta Holders. All the eligible forest land patta holders should be covered in 2013-14 financial year.

  • The TSCB &TGB to expedite opening of branches at the remaining 4 and 2 centers allotted to them respectively during 2009-10 and 2010-11.

    • ShriSwapanSaha, MD ,TSCB assured to open the branches in the remaining 4 centresvizTuichindrai,Bagnabazar,Bhaterbazar,Tirthamukh allotted to them by September ‘2013.
    • The representative from TGB informed that they will open branch at allotted Chellagangcentre by July 2013 and at PashcimHmunphi by September’2013.

  • The Allottee Banks of 170 centres identified for setting up of Offsite ATMs will pursue the issue with FIS,Guwahatifor immediate setting up of Offsite ATMs in those centres-

    • Shri S Pal, Regional Manager,SBI informed that they have opened ATMs in 7 allotted centres. He also stated that contrary to their expectations, the ATM atAnandabazarcentre is getting average 300 hits per day in spite of remote location.
    • ShriS.K.Panda, Chief Secretary told that if FIS fails to open the ATMs, Banks should work out their own model and will have to ensure installation of ATM very quickly. The model of State Bank of India, which installed ATM at Anandabazar and working with an average hit of 300 per day, should be replicated by other Banks. SBI should prepare a Note on their experience at Anandabazar and circulate amongst the Banks so as to encourage them in this regard.
    • ShriParikshitSubuddhi, DGM & CRM, UBI, Tripura Region informed that United Bank of Indiaopened has opened ATMs in two allotted centresso far.

  • Allocation of 80 centres for opening of branches has been finalized. The allottee Banks should now transmit the same to their respective Head offices for approval.

    • Out of 80 identified centres Physical Branches are opened in 5 centres. Besides, SBI has opened CSC at 24 centres.
    • All the Banks were advised to open Brick and Mortar Branch/Ultra small Branch in the remaining centres as per allocation during the financial year.

  • The LDMs are to allocate the wards of the Municipal areas amongst Banks having Branch in the concerned Ward to take up urban financial inclusion.

    • Allocation of the wards have been done by the LDMs and same was communicated to member Banks.

  • All Banks to complete opening of Accounts for all the beneficiaries under Direct Benefit Transfer. For this the beneficiaries list would be provided by the State Govt.

    • So far list of 52,197 beneficiaries have been received out of which 40,551 accounts have been opened. Remaining 11646 beneficiaries accounts should be opened by the Banks in camp mode immediately. Debit Card has been issued only in 4242 account holders. Debit Cards should be issued to all existing beneficiaries and the future beneficiaries while opening the accounts.
    • ShriSwapanSaha, MD ,TSCB informed that they are in the process of implementation of CBS which is expected to be completed by september’2013.
    • Md. Abdul Wahid, GM UBI and Convener SLBC informed that since CBS platform is compulsory for DBT , the list beneficiaries from the service areas of TSCBs may be send to nearby bank branches of Commercial bank / RRBs for opening of accounts so that there should not be any bottleneck in payment of benefits to the beneficiaries of TSCB.

  • All Financial literacy centers and Rural Branches are to organize outdoor Financial Literacy Camp at least once in a month.

    • Upto March in 45 blocks, 139 Financial Literacy Camps have been conducted. Rural Branches have conducted 23 Financial Literacy Camps.
    • ShriK.V.Satyanarayan, Additional Chief Secretary requested the Director of Institutional Finance to ensure one round of FLC in all the 45 Blocks during the year 2013-14.

Agenda - 3 : Financial Inclusion Plan.

  • In Tripura there are 1038 villages of which 419 villages having population above 2000. The banking outlets have been set up in all villages mostly by way of BC model( Brick and Mortar Branch in 22 Villages and BC in 1016 villages).
  • ShriS.K.Panda, Chief Secretary stated that the performance of Business correspondents in extending banking facilities in unbanked villages is not always satisfactory. He urged upon the need to set up Brick and Mortar/ Ultra Small Branch in 80 identified locations and ATM in 170 identified centres immediately. He also urged upon TGB to initiate action for opening of branches as per extant branch licensing guidelines of RBI.
  • Representative of IDBI Bank expressed their desire to open 2 Financial Inclusion Branch in the State and requested the house for allocation of locations for the proposed FI Branches. ShriS.K.Panda, Chief Secretaryextended his thanks to IDBI Bank for the proposal and advised him to get in touch with the Director, Institutional Finance for the purpose.

Agenda - 4 : Implementation of Annual credit Plan 2012-13.

  • The House reviewed the overall achievement under ACP 2012-13 which is 95% of the target, while the achievement under Priority Sector, Agricultural , MSE and OPS are83 %, 76%,76% and 109 % of the targets respectively.
  • Shri N Remesh, General Manager, NABARD stated that the sector wise target under ACP are to be apportioned Sub-sector wise amongst the Banks and the Banks should allocate the targets under each sub sector to its branches. Progress in credit disbursement under various sub-sectors should be monitored in DCC/DLRC and BLBC.He also reiterated thatBank-group wise review should be done for Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks and RRBs also.

Agenda - 5 : Performance of Banks in Key areas in Tripura: The house reviewed the Performance of the banks in 2012-13. The overall advance in the State has increased by 19 % as against increase in deposits of 17 % during the year resulting increase of CD ratio by 1 %.

Agenda - 6 : Recovery of Loans:

  • The house reviewed Sector- wise and also Government sponsored scheme wise recovery of loan .Overall Recovery percentage in respect of three broad sectors, viz. Agriculture, MSME and Other Prisec as on 31.03.2013 stands at 54%, against the same at 53% as on March 2012. There was no sign of any improvement in recovery under Schematic lending. Recovery in SJSRY is 20%, SGSY is 22% PMRY is 17%, PMEGP is 52%.
  • Shri Sanjay Arya , Executive Director,UBI requested all Banks to be very active for recovery and sought support from the State Machineries to improve the position. He urged upon the need of holding credit camp and recovery camp simultaneously Certificate Cases under PDR as on 31.03.2013 is pending in 2841 cases, while during the year recovery made through PDR is in 41 cases only. State Government should activate the certificate offices for speedy disposal.
