State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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SLBC Schemes
Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Proceedings of 97th SLBC Tripura

United Bank of India

Lead bank Division : Head Office

11, Hemanta Basu Sarani


Proceedings of the 97th Special SLBC Meeting for the State of Tripura held on May 19th 2010 at Agartala

At the instance of RBI a Special SLBC meeting was held at the Conference Hall of the State Guest House, Agartala on 19th May 2011 with a view to have focused discussion on certain important issues. The meeting was attended by Sri Manik Sarkar, Hon’ble Chief Minisrter of Tripura, Sri Badal Chowdhury, Hon’ble Finance Minister of Tripura, Dr D Subba Rao, Hon’ble Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Dr K C Chackraborty, Dy Governor, RBI, Dr. Shyamala Gopinath, Dy Governor, RBI, Shri Subir Gokarn, Dy Governor, Shri A Sinha, Dy Governor, RBI, Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tripura, Shri Bhaskar Sen, CMD, United Bank of India, Shri A Krishna Kumar, Managing Director, State Bank of India, Smt Surekha Marandi, Regional Director, RBI, Guwahati, and other top executives of State Government, RBI, NABARD and participating commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks, Co-operative Banks and other dignitaries. A list of participants is enclosed.

At the outset Shri Manik Sarkar, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tripura and Shri D Subba Rao inaugurated the website of SLBC, Tripura launched on the day for public visit. Thereafter, Shri Bhasker Sen, CMD, UBI welcomed all the participants to the meeting. Dr Subba Rao wanted the State Govt. representatives to present their observations first on the progress made by the banks in various sectors.

1. Responding to his request, Shri Manoj Kumar, Commissioner & Secretary, Finance Deptt., GOT apprised the house of the observations of the State Govt. through Power Point Presentation as under:

  • CD ratio of the State though improved marginally from 30% as on 31.3.2010 to 33% as on 31.3.2011, it is still well below the national average of 73.6% and also below the average of North East (36%). CD ratio of RRB is better than Commercial Banks and Coop Bank.

  • Aggressive credit plan is necessary for improvement of CD ratio. ACP has to be designed in such a manner so that the CD ratio shoots up to at least 40% by the end of 2011-2012.

  • Banks have not been able to achieve the target of issuance of 65000 KCCs during the year under review and issued only 50290 KCCs. Average amount per KCC is also at a lower side. Physical Target for 2011-12 and 2012-13 should be 70000 and 75000 respectively plus backlog. MGNREGA Job Card holders should also be covered with KCC or GCC. 1.17 lac forest dwellers that have been given forest rights may be issued KCC involving an amount of Rs 440 crore.

  • Performance under Mini Dairy Scheme is showing a declining trend and amount involved per case is also declining. NABARD and Banks should take proactive role to augment credit flow in this segment.

  • Under Fishery scheme, performance under proposals sponsored by State Govt. has been dismal and wherever sanctioned, credit involvement has been found inadequate.

  • Out of 52 centers identified by the State Government , 26 were identified for branch opening and remaining 26 centers were identified for coverage through BC model. Out of these, only 11 branches have so far been opened. UCO Bank and TGB are yet to open branches at Raishyabari and Challagang respectively. TGB & TSCB are scheduled to open branches in 13 remaining centers. Opening of 26 additional branches will solve the problem for the time being.

  • The process of gradation and credit linkage of SHGs has to be speeded up by the banks.

  • Quantum of loan disbursed to SGSY/ SHG is at a lower side, as the average credit limit allowed per SHG is Rs 1.54 lac only. Some of the branches are withholding the disbursed loan component in the SB A/C of the borrowers thereby exposing the borrowers to undue interest burden.

  • Performance under SJSRY has also been unsatisfactory; disbursement per case should also be improved.

  • Number of proposals disbursed under Swabalamban scheme has been low compared to the proposals sponsored.

  • In some cases under PMEGP, only token amounts have been disbursed. Some banks are insisting on collateral security for proposals with credit limit up to Rs10.00 lac. Pvt. Banks are not entertaining proposals under PMEGP.

  • TSCB should be allowed to become a member lending institution (MLI) of CGTMSE so that they can participate in PMEGP scheme.

  • Performance of SIDBI is also at a lower side.

  • Out of 8 operational LCS, BANK extension counter is available only in one center. Foreign exchange facility should also be extended in other seven centers to promote Trade with Bangladesh.

  • Resifting of Pension Processing Center of State Bank of India from Guwahati to Agartala.

  • Permitting TGB & TSCB to open Currency Chest Branches.

  • Recapitalisation of TSCB and TGB.
