State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Proceedings of 103th SLBC Tripura

United Bank of India

Lead bank Division : Head Office

11, Hemanta Basu Sarani


Proceedings of the 103th SLBC Meeting for the State of Tripura

January 05, 2013 at Agartala

The 103rd SLBC meeting of Tripura State was held in the Conference Hall No. 4, Pragna Bhawan, P N Complex, Agartala on January, 5th, 2013 for reviewing the performance of the banks during the half-year ending Sept 2012. The focus of discussion was on the compliance of the action points that emerged in the last SLBC meeting held on 16th October, 2012. The meeting was co - chaired by Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tripura and Shri Sanjay Arya, Executive Director, United Bank of India. Shri K V Satyanarayan, Additional Chief Secretary, Govt.of Tripura, Shri P K Jena, Regional Director, RBI, Guwahati,Shri L N Rokhum, Director, Institutional Finance, Govt. of Tripura, Shri N Ramesh, General Manager, NABARD, Agartala and Shri Manas Dhar,General Manager, UBI and Convener, SLBC (Tripura), also attended the meeting. Senior level representatives of RBI, Banks and other Govt. Depts. also attended the meeting. A list of a participant is enclosed.

At the outset Shri Manas Dhar, General Manager, United Bank of India welcomed the participants to the meeting on behalf of the SLBC and requested Shri Sanjay Arya, Executive Director,  UBI to deliver his Key note address.

Shri Arya, while welcoming the participants to the meeting observed that whatever achievements have been made by the bankers up to September, 2012 would be taken up during Agenda wise discussion through Power Point Presentation. What was important was to put focus on possible means of achieving the annual targets under different parameter for the year 2012-13 during the remaining part of the year. Thereafter, Shri Arya requested Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary, Tripura to address the house.

Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary observed that SLBC forum need not function as a ritual only; its main objective should be to evolve action points and monitor implementation of those for the benefit of the State. His deliberation inter alia included the following issues.

Private Sectors are not coming to the State for investment in a bigger way; hence we have to concentrate on financing activities whatever is going on in the State.
  • Nationalized Banks, with the guidance of Reserve Bank of India, have to play a crucial role in the economic development of the State.

  • The CD ratio of the State to be increased to 40% by the end of March 2013.

  • Opening of branches in underbanked areas by the commercial banks should receive the maximum focus as the BC model has its own limitations. The State Govt. has identified 107 such villages for opening of B & M branches

  • The State Govt. has also identified 172 centers of the four districts identified for implementation of Direct Cash Transfer keeping in view the availability of connectivity, electricity, security arrangement etc, where offsite ATMs were required to be installed.

  • Direct Cash Transfer in the State would be implemented from 1st March, 2013 in the four identified districts for which we should be in all kind of readiness.

Thereafter, with the permission of the chair, Shri Manas Dhar, General Manager, UBI before initiating the Agenda wise discussion requested the bankers to submit Banking Progress Data in time so that the delay in organizing SLBC meeting is avoided. He added that henceforth the SLBC meetings would be held as per the approved Calendar.The summary of agenda wise discussion is given below :

Agenda 1: The house confirmed the proceedings of the 102nd SLBC meeting held on 16th October, 2012.

Agenda 2: Compliance of Action points on major decisions of previous SLBC meetings:

  • CD Ratio to be improved to 40% by March 2013: The CD ratio of the State at the end of Sept 2012 was 33% which was higher by 1% compared to Sept, 2011. However, excepting in Tripura (W) district the CD ratio of other seven districts was 40% or more. The Chief Secretary opined that apart from Tripura (W) district, the other seven districts should also try to step up CD ratio to compensate persistent shortfall in Tripre (W) district.

  • Issuance of KCCs to the Pattaholders: Up to Sept 2012, 21565 KCCs have been issued to the Pattaholders. The common KCC application format already designed would be used for bamboo plantation also. Shri K V Satyanarayan, Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tripura advised the banks to submit the list of KCCs issued by the banks during the current year within 15th of January to enable the State Govt. to analyze the progress, He also advised that a small committee of bankers may conduct a survey with 10% of the live KCC cards to verify whether the funds have been released, utilized for the purposes it was issued and the scale of finance being adhered to.

  • Covering Fishery segment under KCC: The Fishery Dept. had sponsored 118 prposals which were under process. It has been decided that eligible Fish Farmers would be extended Finance through KCC. Shri K V Satyanarayan, Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tripura informed that there were 1.40 lac fish farmers in the State who may be allowed composite type of limit. Existing KCC holders who were having water areas may be allowed additional limit for fishery through the same KCC. The Chief Secretary advised the banks to prepare a list of fish farmers enjoying credit limit for Agriculture purpose. He advised that Fisheries Dept. was having a data base which may be utilized to identify fish farmers. He reminded that despite having immense potential to increase fish production, the State has to import fish from Andhra Pradesh and Bangladesh.

  • Opening of branches in 26 centers: Except Pmonpui, Tirthamukh and Behalabari, branches have been opened in 23 other centers. The remaining three branches would also be opened within March 2013. The State Govt. furnished a list of 107 centers for opening B & M branches in those centers so that each branch can cover 3-4 villages. The Chief Secretary advised that a small committee comprising RBI, UBI, SBI, TGB, and Finance Dept, GoT be formed to survey the centers and explore possibility of opening of B & M branches thereat. Opening of limited day operation Ultra Small Branches in those centers may also be considered. The State Govt. also provided a list of 172 centers of the four districts identified for Direct Cash Transfer seeking installation of offsite ATMs in those centers. In the meanwhile the DFS, MoF, GoI had intimated the banks to open onsite ATMs covering all the 154 Bank Branches in the identified four districts.The issue may be taken up with FIS for installation of ATMs common for all banks.
    The banks proposed to cover the unbanked areas through Ultra Small branches / Ultra Light Branches, Common Service Centers (Kiosk based solution) as per directives of DFS, MoF, GoI .instructed .

  • Tele communication connectivity: The position to improve soon as necessary steps in this regard have been initiated.
