State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Proceedings of 104th SLBC Tripura

United Bank of India

Lead bank Division : Head Office

11, Hemanta Basu Sarani


Proceedings of the 104th SLBC Meeting for the State of Tripura

March 06, at Agartala

The 104th SLBC meeting of Tripura State was held in the Conference Hall No. 4, Pragna Bhawan, P N Complex, Agartala on March 06, 2013 for reviewing the performance of the banks during the period from April 2012 to December, 2012. The focus of discussion was on the compliance of the action points that emerged in the last SLBC meeting held on 5th January, 2013. The meeting was co - chaired by Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Tripura and Shri Sanjay Arya, Executive Director, United Bank of India. Shri K V Satyanarayan, Additional Chief Secretary, Govt.of Tripura, Shri N C Sinha, Principal Secretary, SW & SE, GoT, Shri Samarjit Bhowmick, Secretary, Fisheris, GoT, Shri A K Pandey, General Manager, RBI, Agartala, Shri L N Rokhum, Director, Institutional Finance, Govt. of Tripura, Shri Manas Dhar,General Manager, UBI and Convener, SLBC (Tripura), also attended the meeting. Senior level representatives of RBI, Banks and other Govt. Depts. also attended the meeting. A list of a participant is enclosed..

At the outset Shri Manas Dhar, General Manager, United Bank of India welcomed the participants to the meeting on behalf of the SLBC and requested Shri Sanjay Arya, Executive Director,  UBI to deliver his Key note address.

The deliberation of Shri Arya interalia included the following issues:

  • With a view to implementing DBT in four districts of Tripura viz. Tripura (W), Tripura (N), Dhalai and Khowai it is to be ensured by all concerned that list of beneficiaries under different DBT scheme is made available for opening of accounts in their name within 21st March, 2013.

  • Aadhar numbers, wherever available, is to be seeded with the A/c numbers.

  • Out of total 52 centers identified by the State Govt., branches have been opened in 45 centers. This includes 23 branches opened as per decision taken in the SLBC meeting held on 19.5.2011 under the Chairmanship of Dr D Subbarao, Governor, RBI.

  • In the last one year 36 branches have been opened in the State.

  • 80 new centers identified by the State Govt. have been allotted amongst the banks for opening Branch / USB. This has to be recast as some the centers are already having banking outlets and some are going to have it soon.

  • 170 centers identified for setting up of offsite ATMs have also been distributed amongst the banks. The issue will be finalized in consultation with FIS.
  • Shri Arya also highlighted the achievements of the banks in different parameters during the period under review including achievements under ACP 2012-13, CD Ratio, Advance to different segments of Priority Sector, Advance to Weaker Section etc. Thereafter, Shri Arya requested Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary, Tripura to address the house.

    The deliberation of Shri S K Panda, Chief Secretary inter alia included the following issues:

    • The flow of credit to Agriculture and other Priority sectors should be increased so that overall CD ratio improves as desired by the Hon’ble Chief Minister during his meeting on 11.06.2013 with the Chairperson & Managing Director of United Bank of India. Banks should sincerely endeavor to achieve the targets allotted to them under ACP.
    • With a view to improving the CD ratio of the State, the Annual Credit Plan for Priority Sector Advance of the State for 2012-13 has been fixed at Rs 1774.25 crore against previous year’s achievement of Rs 1217.47 crore thereby projecting a hike of 45.53%. In Agriculture sector alone, the annual target has been enhanced by (117%) compared to the achievements of the previous year.
    • Achievement under ACP for Priority Sector during 2012-13 is Rs 1474.84 cr compared to Rs 1217.46 crore achieved last year. The Y-o-Y growth rate has been 21.14% . The overall achievement under ACP is 95 % of the target and achievement under Priority sector is 83% and under Agriculture Sector is76 % of the target.
    • 80 locations selected by the State Government for opening brick and mortar branch/USB have already been allocated to different Banks. 5 Branches have already been opened, and remaining 75 locations should be covered by all the Banks within this financial year.
    • The plan for installation of ATM in 170 identified locations has already been distributed amongst the Banks by the SLBC. Banks should immediately start working on it so that the ATMs are installed without any delay.
    • Under DBT, list of 52197 beneficiaries have been received by LDMs, of which savings account has been opened for 40551 beneficiaries. Majority of the beneficiaries are students under different stipend schemes. Schools have reopened after summer vacation.All Banks should take extra efforts to complete the account opening of remaining around 12000 beneficiaries of DBT and ensure issuance of Debit Card to all the beneficiaries at the time of opening the account.
    • Banks should complete the task of seeding the Aadhar Number into the accounts very quickly. All Branches should put a “Drop Box” in a prominent place of the Banking Hall with a request to the customers to drop the Aadhar number along with Account number under his recorded specimen signature. Banks should take care to seed all the Aadhar Numbers meticulously received from the Drop Box on daily basis.
