State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Proceedings of 99th SLBC Tripura

United Bank of India

Lead bank Division : Head Office

11, Hemanta Basu Sarani


Proceedings of the 99th SLBC Meeting for the State of Tripura

December 15, 2011 at Agartala

The 99th SLBC meeting of Tripura was held in the Conference Hall No. 2, New Secretariat Building, Capital Complex, Agartala on December 15, 2011for reviewing the performance of the banks during the period 01.4.2011 to 30.9.2011. The special focus of discussion was on the major action points emerged in the Special SLBC meeting (97th) held on 19.5.2011 where Shri Manik Sarkar, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tripura and Dr D Subbarao, Hon'ble Governor, Reserve Bank of India were present amongst other dignitaries.

The 99th meeting has also been attended by Shri Manik Sarkar , Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Badal Choudhury, Hon'ble Finance Minister of Tripura, Dr K C Chakraborty, Dy Governor, Reserve Bank of India, Shri Bhaskar Sen, CMD, United Bank of India & Chairman, SLBC (Tripura), Ms Surekha Marandi, Regional Director, RBI, Guwahati, Shri Manoj Kumar, Commissioner & Secretary Finance Dept., Shri L K Gupta, Pr Secretary, Industries & Commerce Dept., GoT, Shri S Saha, Secretary, Revenue Dept., GoT, Shri S R Kumar, Pr Secretary, Planning Dept., GoT, Shri A K Pandey, General Manager, Reserve Bank of India and Shri R Sundar, General Manager, NABARD. Other senior executives of banks, State Govt and RBI were also present in the meeting. A list of participants is enclosed.

At the outset Shri R K Mohanty, General Manager, United Bank of India welcomed the participants to the meeting on behalf of the SLBC and requested Shri Bhaskar Sen, CMD, UBI to address the house.

In his brief inaugural speech Shri Sen apprised the house of the progress that has been made on the major action points emerged in the special SLBC meeting dated 19.5.2011as under.

  • With a view to increase the CD ratio of the State, the target under ACP- 2011-12 has been revised upwards to Rs 1897.00 crore from Rs 1624.52 crore originally proposed. The ACP of the current year is 55% higher over the ACP of previous year.

  • Up to Sept 2011, the banks have disbursed Rs 736 crore which is 39% of the annual target. The disbursement has been 62% higher over the disbursement of the previous year.

  • On y-o-y basis the deposits have increased from Rs 8821.00 crore to Rs 10403.49 crore at the end of Sept 2011 at a growth rate of 18%. The outstanding credit has also increased from Rs 2772.66 crore to Rs 3348.61 crore at a growth rate of 21% during the same period. As the outstanding credit is having a low base in the State, higher growth rate in credit could not push up CD ratio by more than 1%.

  • The percentage of NPA in the State has gone up to 5.96% which is a matter of concern. We shall have to find out the ways to check the increasing trend.

  • Under Financial Inclusion Plan, out of total 419 villages having 2000+ population identified, 336 villages have been covered. It is to be seen how problems relating to communication and connectivity can be addressed to increase the effectiveness of the BCs.

  • The banks have already organized financial literacy camps in 27 Blocks. Such camps will be organized in the remaining 13 Blocks also. Two Financial Literacy cum Credit Counseling Centers (FLCCs) have also been set up by UBI in the State.
Thereafter, Shri Sen requested Hon'ble Finance minister to preside over the meeting.

Sri Badal Choudhury, Hon'ble Finance Minister of Tripura in his opening remarks highlighted the following issues before the house:

  • Banks have to play a vital and crucial role in attaining inclusive growth in rural, backward and hilly areas.

  • The CD ratio (32%) is lagging far behind the targeted 40% to be achieved by March 2012. In view of increasing trend in credit off take, the ACP needs to be revised and actions initiated for achieving the CD ratio of 40%.Revision of ACP in the month of December was,however, ruled out by the house.

  • Out of 52 centers identified for branch opening, TGB has opened branches in 9 centers and TSCB has opened branches in 4 centers (out of which Killa and Karbook are overlapping as TGB has also opened branch there). PSBs are yet to open branches in 39 centers despite help extended by the State Govt in finding premises. ( PSBs have already opened branches in six centers - UBI -3, SBI - 2 & Union Bank -1)

  • Performance of BC model is not satisfactory; which cannot be alternative for Brick & Mortar branches.

  • Most of the branches are facing man power constraint.

  • In the State of Tripura, 4 new districts, 6 Subdivisions and 5 new Blocks are going to be created. 1 Currency Chest and 3 Clearing Houses are to be set up in the proposed districts. Out of five proposed Blocks, two are unbanked where branches are to be opened.

  • Govt. has given Patta to 1.18 lac forest dwellers who can be financed for undertaking Agri - Allied activities.

  • Trading with Bangladesh is going to flourish soon - the traders may be tapped for extending bank finance. Rubber based Industries may also be encouraged.

  • As against a target of 1.30 lac for the current year, only 35700 KCCs have been issued by the banks up to Sept 2011. Amount of credit per Card is also at a lower side i.e. Rs 18200/= only.

  • Achievement under Govt. Sponsored Scheme is far from satisfactory as only 15 to 20% of the sponsored cases have been disbursed. Proper attention has to be given in this area so that the left out unemployed youth are covered under various Govt. sponsored schemes relating to Agriculture in particular.

  • 33461 SHGs have been formed in the State but there has not been satisfactory progress in credit linkage to the groups.

  • Activities of NBFCs need to be regulated as they are cheating the common people creating major problem in the State. Tripura Govt. has since amended the Act during 2011. RBI should see how the problem can be overcome.

  • Under performance of SIDBI and NEDFI has also become a cause of concern as they are not extending finance.

  • Bankers should consider providing Extension Counters in 8 Land Custom Stations (LCS) to facilitate Currency exchange.

  • State Cooperative Bank has become a profit making organization during the current year. They have been recently recapitalized by the State Govt. As they are earning profit they have been subjected to Income Tax payment which may please be looked into by the Dy Governor.

  • TSCB may be allowed to set up Currency Chest at Agartala and TGB may be allowed to set up Currency Chest at Udaipur and Dharmanagar.
