State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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Performance of Bank
SLBC Schemes
Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Achievement under Suc-Sector of Allied Activities against ACP for the year 2014-15 as on 31.03.2015
Annual Credit Plan

Implementation of Annual Credit Plan (ACP)

A comparative position of achievement in disbursement under ACP 2016-17 as on 30.06.2016 with the corresponding period of the previous year is as under:

Amt. Rs. In Lakhs

2015-16 2016-17
Sector Plan Achievement
(April 15-June‟ 15)
% to Target Plan Achievement
(April 16-June‟ 16)
% to Target % of growth (Y-O-Y)
Agriculture 114116.29 19640.13 17 129682.45 28665.48 22 46
MSME 82267.45 16073.85 20 96705.52 26626.91 28 66
Other Prisec 54972.52 9396.65 17 60119.22 27780.49 46 20
Total Prisec 251356.26 45110.63 18 286507.19 83072.88 29 84
Non-Prisec 42649.19 15931.01 37 46916.45 12762.78 27 -20
Grand Total 294005.45 61041.64 21 333423.64 95835.66 29 57

The overall achievement is 29% against the target of ACP 2016-17 as on 30.06.2016 while achievement under Agriculture sector is 22%. Achievements in MSME and OPS are 28% and 46% of the ACP Targets respectively as on 30.06.2016.
