State Level Bankers' Committee, Tripura
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Performance of Bank
SLBC Schemes
Objectives of SLBC
  • To review the assistance required and provided by Govt. agencies.
  • To oversee the implementation of branch expansion programme.
  • To review the recovery performance.
  • To consider problems referred by the district level forums and take necessary follow-up action.
  • To solve operational problems in implementation of Service Area Approach, Credit Plans, Govt. and other agencies programmes etc.
Annual Credit Plan

Achievement under Sub-Sectors of Allied Activities against ACP for the Year 2014-15 as on 30.09.2014

Implementation of Annual Credit Plan

A comparative position of achievement in disbursement with the corresponding period of the previous year is as under:

2013-14 2014-15 % of growth in absolute terms
 Sector Plan Achievement Sept.’2013 % to target Plan Achievement Sept.’2014 % to target
 Agriculture 85238.62 29765.50 38 96448.05 28206.33 29 -9
 MSME 68859.39 21004.09 35 74782.11 41092.17 55 20
 Other Prisec 42710.33 12958.53 33 46450.83 19645.47 42 9
 Total Prisec 196808.34 63728.12 36 217680.99 88943.97 41 5
 Non-Prisec 35166.66 28195.46 81 38772.01 42000.21 108 27
 Grand Total 231975.00 91923.58 43 256453.00 130944.18 51 8

The overall achievement is 51% of the target & achievement under Agriculture sector is 29%. 41% of the target under Priority Sector has been achieved.
